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Newbie Guide

You're ready to get started and join Moonbeyms? Great! So there are three things you'll need to do first.


1. Read the Rules

2. Join the Discord. You do not need to have a moonbeym to join, but you have to join this group to get your Moonbeym approved.  This is where announcements are made, quest items are rolled, and approvals happens. It's also a fun place to RP and talk with others in the community.

3. Join the Deviantart group. Why? Because this is where you post your art and writing. In order to join you must first get your Moonbeym approved through the Discord.  When joining, make sure you submit your Moonbeym template. 


Okay! All done? Wonderful!

Let's Get Started!

So now it's time to actually get started making your Moonbeym.


Everyone starts off with one free baby Moonbeym. Trying to make multiple accounts to try to get around this will get you permanently banned. So don't do it. You can get more moonbeyms through raffles, rare special events, adopts, breeding, and the cash shop.


Below is the Moonbeym Template. Just fill in the template. Digital art is preferred but you are allowed to use traditional. When filling out the template, make sure to color the Moonbeym and make it clear where placements are. On the left side of the template, draw your Moonbeym in any position you want but make sure it's a fullbody. 


Click on the template image below to be brought to Deviantart where you can download a PSD or PNG. Do not resize template.



You are allowed to use any three (3) solid colors you want (no gradients), plus either silver or gold for your Moon Crest.


Make sure you put the three colors in your palette. Do not add pupils.


Changing colors once approved is not allowed unless you have earned one of the coloring traits. Do not add shading to your template. We ask you don't add shading so that it's clear you are using only three palette colors. Eye color counts as one of the colors.


Color Placements

When starting off, your baby Moonbeym begins with no markings but does have color placements. Color placements are large chunks of colors. Below is a list of where you can have placements. Placements are a solid color, no gradients, and cannot be smaller than indicated. You must have at least two placements.


You Can:

- Make an entire limb one color, including ear tuff, tail, and paws. You can also make the inside of the ear a color.

- Add only the front placement and not the back or only the back placement and not the front.

-You can make only one limb placement or only one eye color placement. This does not mean you can have mismatch eye colors. Only the placement. Look at Yogurt for an example. 

-You can use as many placements as you want. 


You can NOT:

-Make a placement smaller.

-Make it bigger, unless you are coloring the whole limb. 

-Use a gradient or half one color, unless it is one limb one color and one limb another color.


Placements guide.png


When submitting, make sure you include this in your description. Here's an example of Racer's.


Name: (Make sure to give your Moonbeym a name. You can name them pretty much anything just remember this is a fantasy setting and PG-16. That means make it appropriate for the setting and nothing vulgar.)

Biological Sex: (This is for breeding purposes.)


Gift Art Allowed: (State if gift art is allowed. Basically, are people allowed to draw your Moonbeym. )


Personality: (This helps people to know what your Moonbeym is like. You can change this at any time. )


All done? Great! Time to get it approved.


The approval process is fairly easy. Go to the Moonbeym Discord and drop your completed template into the #myo-approvals or #breeding-approvals. Adopts are already approved and do not need to go through the approval process. We try to review your submission within 24 hours but sometimes it can take up to 3 days if we are busy. Please be patient.


If approved you'll get a green checkmark. If we need you to fix something, you'll get a pencil. Once approved, submit it to the approved Moonbeyms folder on deviantart. You're all done!

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Screen Shot 2021-05-25 at 5.54.25 AM.png

When it comes to fixes, we create a temporary channel that can only be accessed by you and staff so we can help you and answer all your questions. Do not DM staff! Post in the room and we will reply back. If you have waited 3 days without a reply then feel free to ping staff.


The temp rooms are deleted once the character is approved and added to the Masterlist.

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Once approved, you can start playing in the Moonbeyms world. Just submit to join with your  approved Moonbeym and someone will approve you into the group. You do not have to wait until they are added to the Masterlist to play, approval is enough. Approval means this is the official version of your Moonbeym and cannot be changed unless you upgrade their traits.


Approved Moonbeyms are added to the Masterlist as soon as possible, but sometimes this can take up to two weeks. Please be patient. Approvals show your Moonbeym exists so don't worry too much about it. If it has been more than two weeks and your Moonbeym still hasn't been added please ping us in #staff-help. It is important to be added to the Masterlist. You cannot participate in certain activities without a Masterlist entry.

Time to Have Fun!

Well there is one last thing. Check out our guide, How to Earn Beym Points.


Besides that, you're all set to play. So jump right in. Ready to get your character glitz up? Visit Upgrades. Ready for adventure? Look into our quests and exploration. What to start earning crescent coins? Visit Job Board or take a look at Careers. How about magic or crafting? There is so much to do, just look around the site or talk to people in out Moonbeym Discord and discover what it is you want to do. Discover, experiment, and just have fun!

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